
A daily routine
for a better life


Adopt a personal hygiene routine - besides being vital and helping to prevent health problems, this contributes to your everyday well-being and accentuates your beauty.

Follow our suggestions in your daily routine:

Sharing: Never share items of personal hygiene, such as: toothbrush, razor, towels, hair brush and cosmetics

Showering: Shower every day at least once a day, ideally twice a day: in the morning and before going to bed.

Drying your skin: After washing your body, dry your skin thoroughly with a clean towel.

Drying your skin: After washing your body, dry your skin thoroughly with a clean towel.

Hair: Your hair is also a focus of attention – choose the shampoo and conditioner that best suit your needs, but that also leave your hair moisturised and clean. Rub your scalp gently with the tips of your fingers and rinse the rest of the shampoo with lots of water. Dry you hair well with a clean towel and then use a hairdryer.

Brushing your hair: Brush your hair every day.

Dental hygiene: Brush your teeth after meals, in the morning and before going to bed.

Face: Wash your face at least twice a day, with lukewarm water.

Nails: Always keep your nails clean.


Use: Always carefully wash your toothbrush or razor after use.

Clothes: Change your clothes every day and above all never use the same underwear and socks.

Sheets and towels: Wash sheets and towels every week.

Sheets and towels: Wash sheets and towels every week.

An adult should sleep at least 8 to 9 hours a day to effectively rest their mind. It is also essential to set times for being awake and for sleeping. Before going to sleep don’t try to resolve problems, don’t eat a large meal, don’t drink caffeine and alcohol and, finally, make sure your bedroom is a pleasant and calm space.